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The Homeschooling Course!

Putting Tried-and-True Systems in Place for Mamas who want to Bring Peace and Joy to their Time
while Homeschooling.

I am Ready for a Plan

This Homeschool Course is For You If:

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You are flustered... by the overwhelming idea that you will soon be adding homeschool into your already chaotic life.

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You are tired... of carrying the weight of doing it all around the house. You feel like a Mama Martyr some days.

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You are ready... to bring peace to your mind and heart and home so you can lead and teach your children well.


What if I told you that...

I have 10 Kids and I am able to start every day quietly with a cup of coffee on my couch? From a pot of coffee that one of my kids prepped for me the night before.
And that breakfast was easy and we kick off our school at home day with "couch time" and a devotional.
And that school work doesn't take over our entire day and we have plenty of time for playing and appointments and rest time and my work.
And that my kids are in charge of chores.
And that I'm done with my Mama jobs right after dinner and I have time to recharge for the next day.
*Yes. This is how it ACTUALLY works in our home!*
 I spent years doing the hard work... testing systems in our own home. And they work. And I want to share them with you so you don't have to try as hard as I did to get here.
This course is your online training designed to get everything out of your head about School At Home. To take your hopes and have-tos and turn them into an amazing plan for your unique family.
I am so thrilled to have you here even considering this because I KNOW the peace these plans can bring to your home.  
Interested even a little? Keep reading...

Schooling with Little Ones at Home? Multiple Kids? Special Needs Buddies? 

I got you, Mama. I am in this boat with you and I know how hard it is! I want to support you as you make school at home work for YOUR unique family. Will you join me in making a plan? And in our Facebook community where these talk about all of this and more every single week. Invest this little bit now to make a lifetime impact on your family, Mama.


The Mama Systems Homeschooling Course! 

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In this Course, we will cover...

  • Lesson One: Homeschooling Overview... Benefits, HOPES + HAVE-TOs + HOW TOs, and you will have Homework!
  • Lesson Two: Planning Your Time... Your Ideal Day, Pick Three Things, Organizing Your Day, and more Homework!
  • Lesson Three: The Other Stuff... Distance Learning, Keeping Little Kids Busy, Outsourcing, Special Needs Buddies, and (you guessed it!) Homework!
ENROLL in the Homeschooling Course


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A 30-Minute One-on-One Coaching Call with Laura! To talk about absolutely anything you need help with in your home or with your kiddos.

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Lifetime Access to a Private Facebook Group with other Mamas setting up systems in their own homes AND weekly office hours with Laura!

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Taming Technology with Tony. Laura and her techy husband sit down and talk about many different ways to keep your kids safe online.

Here's one thing I know, Mama, we cannot control much. But...

We CAN control how we set up ourselves and our families for success BEFORE School At Home even starts.

The peace in your home starts with YOU, Mama.

If you feel like you are alone in this... you are not. I am here for you.

I Want this Peace for You, Mama!

So I have two options for how you can give this gift to yourself...

Most Popular Option


Pay In Full

  • A Homeschool Game Plan! From Your Deepest Hopes and Planning Your Ideal Day to the Tiny Details of making School At Home work for YOUR family.
  • Homework Action Items so you can Immediately Start working on Custom Plans for your unique family.
  • All the Bonuses described above, plus...
  • A mini-session video detailing Laura's own homeschool curriculum AND customizable printables for planning your ideal day, a school at home checklist, taming technology cheatsheet, and more.

3 Payments of


Payment Option

  • A Homeschool Game Plan! From Your Deepest Hopes and Planning Your Ideal Day to the Tiny Details of making School At Home work for YOUR family.
  • Homework Action Items so you can Immediately Start working on Custom Plans for your unique family.
  • All the Bonuses described above, plus...
  • A mini-session video detailing Laura's own homeschool curriculum AND customizable printables for planning your ideal day, a school at home checklist, taming technology cheatsheet, and more.
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Hear What These Happy Mamas Have To Say About Working With Laura:

"The ticket system gives me peace because there is less entitlement and fewer tantrums. When her tickets run out, she is excited to do another job and earn a ticket. When she buys each show she often isn't as mad when it ends. The rules are clear and laid out in advance. The ticket system gives me peace because I'm teaching Miriam to contribute. She is learning the value of hard work and seeing a direct connection between working and getting paid. That is how it works in the adult world too! No allowances here. 

And even at 2.5 years old Miriam is able to help in ways that actually bless me. (I do the cleaning task with her, but it's much better than doing it alone!) Thank you for bringing peace!"


"This is such an awesome blessing and I want others to have it. I have been homeschooling for 8.5 years and was really inspired and encouraged. I am so done with all the resources and curriculum, but you presented a relaxed and intentional way to homeschool." - Christina Cole

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Hi, I'm Laura.

I felt overwhelmed and overworked I was not enjoying life or my people. I had to figure out what worked for US and I had to do it myself. Books didn't have the perfect answers. How could we manage all of our logistics and have-tos and make time to intentionally instill the ideals that our family values?  It took me years to develop systems and life hacks to keep our family running and organized. But after creating systems that helped our family run smoothly, it reduced my daily workload and my house became a place of peace... yes, even with 10 kids! 

ā€‹Out of these years of hard work, Mama Systems was born. I want to save other Mamas the pains I went through to figure it out on my own. I want to bring more peace to their homes by coaching them through ideas, schedules, incentives, chores, and delegating.

I am so grateful you're here.


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Homeschooling can be so special.

I want this JOY for you, Mama.